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More than 80% of Company employees trained annually at TMK’s Corporate University

TMK2U Corporate University is celebrating its first milestone birthday: over the five years since its inception, the university has held more than 700 in-person and online trainings and annually trains more than 80% of TMK employees. Since November 2017, online courses on SOTA2U, ТМК2U’s proprietary HR platform, have been taken more than 370 thousand times, covering about a thousand employees of partner companies in addition to TMK employees.

TMK2U targets Company employees as its key audience. The university oversees 14 areas across HR, as well as develops and runs educational programs for professional training. The TMK2U catalog offers 460 training programs and more than 270 online courses. The Corporate University is also responsible for the recruitment methodology and processes, including career guidance, as well as onboarding, assessment and certification while also training the management talent pool and conducting social research and surveys.

Igor Korytko, TMK CEO, said: “TMK2U Corporate University is closely integrated into all business processes and is a reliable tool supporting TMK’s strategic goals. The fact that such a powerful educational center was established and continues to develop consistently confirms TMK’s commitment to sustainability principles, in particular to providing access to quality education for all and promoting lifelong learning opportunities.”

Elena Pozolotina, TMK Deputy CEO for Human Resources, Director of TMK2U Corporate University, said: “Since its inception, TMK2U has been continuously evolving along with the Company. Following its success in developing the TMK team, TMK2U went beyond internal training to train employees of companies from various industries, thus diversifying the business and expanding TMK’s product offering. TMK2U plans to further expand its activities in this area and also broaden its own expertise to meet new challenges in training highly skilled talent.”

TMK2U’s education infrastructure includes seven training facilities in six Russian regions as well as its headquarters at TMK’s R&D facility in Moscow, measuring about 10 thousand sq. meters in total.

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